The widespread of false information is a rising concern worldwide with critical social impact, inspiring the emergence of fact-checking organizations to mitigate misinformation dissemination. However, human-driven verification leads to a time-consuming task and a bottleneck to have checked trustworthy information at the same pace they emerge. Since misinformation relates not only to the content itself but also to other social features, this paper addresses automatic misinformation checking in social networks from a multimodal perspective. Moreover, as simply naming a piece of news as incorrect may not convince the citizen and, even worse, strengthen confirmation bias, the proposal is a modality-level explainable-prone misinformation classifier framework. Our framework comprises a misinformation classifier assisted by explainable methods to generate modality-oriented explainable inferences. Preliminary findings show that the misinformation classifier does benefit from multimodal information encoding and the modality-oriented explainable mechanism increases both inferences' interpretability and completeness.
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知识库及其以知识图(kg)形式的表示自然是不完整的。由于科学和工业应用已广泛采用,因此对完成信息的解决方案的需求很高。最近的一些作品通过学习实体和关系的嵌入来应对这一挑战,然后雇用它们来预测实体之间的新关系。尽管它们加重了,但大多数方法仅着眼于学习嵌入的当地邻居。结果,他们可能无法通过忽视长期依赖性和实体语义的传播来捕获KGS的上下文信息。在此手稿中,我们提出{\ ae} MP(来自多种模式的注意力嵌入),这是一种通过以下方式学习上下文化表示的新颖模型:实体的本地语义,同时着眼于邻里的各个方面; (ii)通过利用道路及其之间的关系来捕获语义上下文。我们的经验发现吸引了人们对注意力机制如何改善实体的上下文表示以及结合实体和语义路径环境如何改善实体的一般表示和关系预测的见解。几个大知识图基准的实验结果表明,{\ ae} MP的表现要优于最先进的关系预测方法。
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Stress has a great effect on people's lives that can not be understated. While it can be good, since it helps humans to adapt to new and different situations, it can also be harmful when not dealt with properly, leading to chronic stress. The objective of this paper is developing a stress monitoring solution, that can be used in real life, while being able to tackle this challenge in a positive way. The SMILE data set was provided to team Anxolotl, and all it was needed was to develop a robust model. We developed a supervised learning model for classification in Python, presenting the final result of 64.1% in accuracy and a f1-score of 54.96%. The resulting solution stood the robustness test, presenting low variation between runs, which was a major point for it's possible integration in the Anxolotl app in the future.
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Spurious correlations in training data often lead to robustness issues since models learn to use them as shortcuts. For example, when predicting whether an object is a cow, a model might learn to rely on its green background, so it would do poorly on a cow on a sandy background. A standard dataset for measuring state-of-the-art on methods mitigating this problem is Waterbirds. The best method (Group Distributionally Robust Optimization - GroupDRO) currently achieves 89\% worst group accuracy and standard training from scratch on raw images only gets 72\%. GroupDRO requires training a model in an end-to-end manner with subgroup labels. In this paper, we show that we can achieve up to 90\% accuracy without using any sub-group information in the training set by simply using embeddings from a large pre-trained vision model extractor and training a linear classifier on top of it. With experiments on a wide range of pre-trained models and pre-training datasets, we show that the capacity of the pre-training model and the size of the pre-training dataset matters. Our experiments reveal that high capacity vision transformers perform better compared to high capacity convolutional neural networks, and larger pre-training dataset leads to better worst-group accuracy on the spurious correlation dataset.
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Some recent pieces of work in the Machine Learning (ML) literature have demonstrated the usefulness of assessing which observations are hardest to have their label predicted accurately. By identifying such instances, one may inspect whether they have any quality issues that should be addressed. Learning strategies based on the difficulty level of the observations can also be devised. This paper presents a set of meta-features that aim at characterizing which instances of a dataset are hardest to have their label predicted accurately and why they are so, aka instance hardness measures. Both classification and regression problems are considered. Synthetic datasets with different levels of complexity are built and analyzed. A Python package containing all implementations is also provided.
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Developing robust and fair AI systems require datasets with comprehensive set of labels that can help ensure the validity and legitimacy of relevant measurements. Recent efforts, therefore, focus on collecting person-related datasets that have carefully selected labels, including sensitive characteristics, and consent forms in place to use those attributes for model testing and development. Responsible data collection involves several stages, including but not limited to determining use-case scenarios, selecting categories (annotations) such that the data are fit for the purpose of measuring algorithmic bias for subgroups and most importantly ensure that the selected categories/subcategories are robust to regional diversities and inclusive of as many subgroups as possible. Meta, in a continuation of our efforts to measure AI algorithmic bias and robustness (, is working on collecting a large consent-driven dataset with a comprehensive list of categories. This paper describes our proposed design of such categories and subcategories for Casual Conversations v2.
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本文介绍了基于2022年国际生物识别技术联合会议(IJCB 2022)举行的基于隐私感知合成训练数据(SYN-MAD)的面部变形攻击检测的摘要。该竞赛吸引了来自学术界和行业的12个参与团队,并在11个不同的国家 /地区举行。最后,参与团队提交了七个有效的意见书,并由组织者进行评估。竞争是为了介绍和吸引解决方案的解决方案,这些解决方案涉及检测面部变形攻击的同时,同时出于道德和法律原因保护人们的隐私。为了确保这一点,培训数据仅限于组织者提供的合成数据。提交的解决方案提出了创新,导致在许多实验环境中表现优于所考虑的基线。评估基准现在可在以下网址获得:。
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